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4175+ Departures Operated
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26+ Years of Service
Welcome to the AFC Holidays Family

Our parent company's name is APOLLO FLIGHT CENTRE (L.L.C), and our trademark name is AFC Holidays. Our motto "We love taking you places" truly reflects who we are. We are a family of globetrotters and enthusiastic travelers. We strive to create unforgettable experiences - while our travelers write their bucket lists, we make travel dreams come true.

We kept growing the AFC Family and now reached 254,000 happy travelers. Our greatest achievement so far has been providing a positive vacation experience to over 254,000, as evidenced by the more than 6,634+ traveler reviews on three important and trustworthy websites: Trustpilot, Google, and Tripadvisor. This contains the stories of many UAE Nationals and Residents, of their journey with AFC Holidays and APOLLO FLIGHT CENTRE (L.L.C). Our desire to travel to all corners of the globe will never falter as we now travel to over 109+ Countries in order to say “We got the globe covered”.

Years down the line, we hope to continue feeling the same happiness that we do after a safe and successful trip or celebrating a successful visa application. We shall continue to be inspired, meticulously arranging our traveler’s perfect honeymoon or family trip. We will feel excited watching strangers become travel buddies in our escorted group tours. We shall continue singing birthday songs at the top of our lungs in a tour bus traversing through Europe and celebrate wedding anniversaries with them too. Team AFC is a family, and that's why We love taking you places.

Travel is For Everyone

The sky’s the limit when it comes to delivering your dream holiday. We strive to be the solution to any doubts that you may have, whatever it may be that keeps you from seeing the world. Travel is for everybody, it knows no reason for exclusion and that’s why we love what we do. So, we put a lot of love and great care into everything that we do. And we deliver no less than a well-thought-out vacation that will 100% take you to the skies!

AFC Holidays has been committed to making travel easy and accessible to every nationality in the region. Through its efforts, the company has been able to provide a seamless travel experience to its customers by offering transparent and informative tour package information that is available on its website. We believe that everyone should have access to clear and concise information about the tours they are interested in, including the itinerary, cost, and inclusions. By providing this information upfront it helps travelers make informed decisions about their travel plans.

In addition to these efforts, AFC Holidays also offers a range of travel packages that cater to different nationalities in the UAE. The company can customize a trip for luxury travelers, and have various packages for families, couples, solo travelers, and groups, making it easier for everyone to find a package that suits their needs and preferences.

One of the most significant ways AFC Holidays has made travel easy and accessible is through the use of technology. The company has developed the AFC Client Portal, which serves as a one-stop-shop for our clients to manage their bookings, fulfill their travel requirements, stay updated with their travel or booking information, and easily reach out to our support teams if they need further assistance. The portal is designed to be user-friendly and accessible to everyone so that travel can truly be hassle-free.

Working with us

We celebrate passion, perseverance, and intellect. We provide an environment for leadership and innovation, we foster a working environment where a good character shines, and inspiration for growth is ceaseless. We value people who love travel just as much as we do, so that our people can be happy doing what they do, and love what they’re able to make with their hands.

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